September 8, 2011

Train park, after dinner.

I had planned to write about my day with Noah. I had pictures. I edited those pictures. But, it was all pretty aimless and not very interesting. Instead I'll intentionally post aimless and pointless pictures of the end of our day - a trip to the park after dinner. I'll let you guess which little boy is tired of being my model...



  1. Great pictures! Looks like you got yourself a copy of Photoshop. I'd recognize that lens flair anywhere!

  2. Love reading and seeing your boys! Handsome guys you have!

  3. That unknown post is from me, Karah. Can't figure out how to make my iPhone tell you it's me.

  4. Dawn Davis BuhrmasterSeptember 8, 2011 at 9:34 PM

    I love your blog! I now try to read it every day. You always were, and obviously still are, so very talented with words. And great humor.

    Now, when are we going to switch homes for a holiday?

  5. Looks like Jennifer gave you some great tips!! Love the pictures!
