August 31, 2011

Binge and Purge.

When I get my teeth in something, I get an overwhelming urge to purchase it. A LOT of it. You can look at our collection of ceramic bowls, Playmobile toys, BRIO train tracks, or - most recently - embroidery floss. (Thanks to a resurgence in my crafting skillz, I am making friendship bracelets. LOTS. The old-skool, knotted kind. Check it.)

My Dr. Jekyll, though, prevents me from hanging on to things too long. I have a primal need to get rid of Stuff. I'm known in my family for throwing things away. My Dad gave Elliot a beautiful, self-made E-L-L-I-O-T name train for his first Christmas. Not 5 minutes after it had been opened did Dad tell me not to throw it away because "those pieces are more expensive than they look." Never mind the craftsmanship, or the sentimentality of the gift (or the difficulty in finding another Elliot who would want to buy the shaggin' thing), Dad felt he had to say this out loud. At that moment. On Christmas. Like I said, I have a known problem.

Anyway, today Dr. Jekyll was in full swing. And (given my recent disillusionment with ebay) Gumtree and I got rid of a lot of Stuff. Our double buggy was the biggest item; a baby teething ring, the smallest.

I'm glad to have a cleaner home. Really. However, while the Eastern European woman with intriguingly wide-spaced toes was rooting through my children's baby things, I did falter. Would I really not have another need for this? Is my door really that firmly closed? Will we not be a family of five? Dr. Jekyll seems to think so. He's also looking to sell a breast pump, if you know anyone.

August 30, 2011

Back to society.

Thanks to our lovely friends, The Richardsons, we are being slowly and reluctantly pulled out of our end-of-holiday funk and back into North London society.  Yesterday - lunch at their house; today - Pirate's Playhouse...

...Sunday - Batman Live!

August 28, 2011


Beach blanket? Check.
Spade, buckets, crab nets? Check, check, check.
Sweaters and long trousers despite it being late August? Check. [sigh]
Rain jackets? Check. [sigh]

August 26, 2011

The way home.

In summary:
  • 1 grandparent, 1 parent, 2 kids.
  • 5 hour drive from Lancaster to DTW.
  • Loose 1 grandparent.
  • 3 hours to kill in DTW.
  • 8 hour flight to LHR.
  • 900 hours waiting in the Immigration queue.
  • Add another parent and a rental car.
  • 1.5 drive from LHR home.

Noah watching the planes

Juice break at DTW

Riding the terminal tram at DTW
We're home.
Phew. [Sigh]

August 24, 2011

Summer holidays, part two.

And so tonight is our last night in Lancaster. Tomorrow we drive 4 hours to DTW, fly 8 hours home, meet D at the airport (thank God), and then another hour drive before We. Are. Home.

It's been a very good trip. Since the safari, we've done even more fun things...

Made special trips, out of Lancaster, for ice cream.

Played our own T-less version of T-ball in the front yard.

Noah playing the role of Marsha Brady

Visited Melissa, Adam, Mae and John.


Celebrated my birthday at TWO fine dining establishments.

Enjoyed having Goose, Todd, Lily, Walter and Corn Dog at The Family Home.

Had loads and loads of fun with Swimmy Lily.

Played at aHa.

Learned how to shuck corn.

Dove for minnows at Huffer-Durdin park, the exact same thing that Goose and I used to do when we were kids.

And, most importantly, spent lots of quality time with Grams and Gramps.

I also practiced my photo skillz (sans the benefit of Photoshop; I know I need to fix my lighting, if not at least 100 other things...)

Now - time to pack!

August 19, 2011

Noah monster.

It takes serious effort and a long time to warm up Noah and get him to drop his aloof attitude. 

Those who know this and are prepared to stick it out will be rewarded to his alter ego - Noah Monster, party animal.